PMF for
Linux and Windows, current version: 6.0.04 (June 2024)
Starting with v.5.1.19, the DB2 CAE-based plugin for PMF will require
DB2 v9 and higher. If you want PMF to work with older DB2 versions, drop
me a mail.
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What it's all about
Very short description: PMF (Poor Man's Flight) is an OpenSource
table-editor/visualizer for IBM's DB2 database, Microsoft Sql Server, Postgres and MariaDB.
Main feature is viewing and editing any table in the database, but PMF has
some other useful functions, too (see below). Useful for developers and
database admins. PMF is available for Linux and Windows.
What it does
Main Features:
- Open multiple tables simultaneously
- Easily edit (update, delete and insert) data in table cells
- It's free and works on Linux and Windows and both DB2 and SqlServer
Additional features:
LOBS and XMLs:
- Drag and drop LOBs (Large Objects) and XMLs from and into table cells
- Directly edit XMLs in a cell
Export, Import and Load
- Export tables as IXF, WSF, DEL or plain text
- Import and Load from IXF and DEL (DB2)
- Postgres: Export and Import as CSV, including BYTEA data
Table management
- Detailed Information on tables: Index, Creator, SQL-Types etc.
- Create DDLs from existing tables (including indexes, triggers, foreign
- Reorg, Runstats and Rebind (DB2)
- Alter tables (add, rename or drop columns)
- Drop tables
- Create and drop Indexes
- DB2: Show monitoring data for Buffer Pools, Locks, Dynamic SQL,...
And some more
- Filter: Right-click any cell to use the cell's contents as filter
- Text completion when creating SQL commands
- Copy & paste rows between tables and even instances of PMF
- Update rows with CURRENT CURSOR (when 'Single Row' is checked)
- Read uncommitted rows: By default, PMF will read uncommitted rows.
This can be changed in the menu.
- History: Toggle through command history
- Bookmarks: Save complex or regularly used SQL in bookmarks, again just
like in a browser.
- Connection profiles: Store connection info (database/user/passwd) for
each database individually and connect in an instant.
- Create, store and load multi-lined SQL statements.
- Find and delete identical lines in any or all tables.
- Scriptable actions when right-clicking a cell (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE
A little history
PMF (Poor Man's Flight) is a comfortable and rather powerful
editor/visualizer for the tables of a DB2 Database. With DB2 v.2 IBM
shipped a very useful program called "(Visualizer) Flight", which (among
other things) allowed DB2 users to view and change the contents of tables.
In 1998 I started to write my own "Flight" from scratch for Linux. With
TrollTech releasing a non-commercial edition of their library, I was able
to port the Linux version to Windows and provide PMF as Free Software.
So, whether you are a database administrator or a software-developer or
just curious to take a look into your database without view-blocking heavy
interfaces, you might find PMF useful.
Trademarks: Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Sql Server trademarks
of Microsoft Corporation; IBM, OS/2 and DB2 trademarks of International
Business Machines Corporation; Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds. All
other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners.
Author: Gregor Leipelt